Brian May’s Treble Booster

Brian used a variety of different treble boosters in his career, starting of course with the original Dallas Rangemaster.

Apparently, as a young guitarist, he really like how Rory Gallagher sounded, and at some point approached him and asked him what kind of gear he uses. That’s when he discovered the Vox AC30, and the Rangemaster, which both of course were the staples of Rory’s sound.

He had the grace to speak to us, and I said “how do you get that sound?”. He said “you know, it’s very simple, I have this little amp, AC30, and I have this little treble booster”. So I went straight out and got myself and AC30 and a Rangemaster treble booster.

It was Rory who gave me my sound, and that’s the sound that I still have. That’s my voice.

Brian May Interview On Taste & Rory Gallagher

If you want to learn more about Rory’s sound and gear, we have a dedicated page on the topic – Rory Gallagher’s Guitars and Gear.

The newer Range Boosters

In more recent years, Brian has been using a treble booster made by Nigel Knight of Knight Audio Technologies, which is based on the Greg Fryer Touring Treble Booster, which is again based on the original Dallas Rangemaster.

This KAT STB (Strap-Mount Treble Booster) which Brian uses nowadays.
This KAT STB (Strap-Mount Treble Booster) which Brian uses nowadays.


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