Mike McCready’s 65 Amps Empire

In a 2013 interview with Premier Guitar, Mike mentioned that at that time he was using a 65 Amps amp in combination with a Satellite amp for dirty tones, and a Savage head made by Andy Wolf for clean tones.

Based on the photos and videos, the exact model that Mike is using is a 22W Empire head with a 2×10 cabinet. He started using the amp around 2012 and continued using it all the way until Pearl Jam’s 2022 tour when switched to a Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb instead.

I’m using 65amps right now—I think it’s a 30-watt. Peter Stroud makes them and I love the amps a lot. So I’m using that in conjunction with a Satellite head—Satellite is a local [Seattle] company—and I think it’s a 32- or 35-watt. I run both of those consecutively generally through four Marshall 25-watt speakers. I run a combination of the 65 and the Satellite generally the whole time when we’re doing Pearl Jam shows live.

Premier Guitar Interview: Mike McCready on Mad Season Reissue and New Pearl Jam


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