Derek Trucks’ 1960s Fender Deluxe Reverb

According to Derek, one of his main go-to amps in the studio is a vintage Fender blackface Deluxe Reverb. He uses this amp a lot, probably second only to a Fender Vibrolux.

In the studio I take more liberties. At the beginning of each tune, I have a sound in mind. Me, Jim Scott, Bobby Tis, who’s engineering it with us, go into the room and play the riff or the theme of the song and try to get a sound. Sometimes, you plug into what’s tried and true – a blackface Deluxe – and you’re like, “Yeah, that’s good… Maybe a little boring. Okay, let’s try something else.”

Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks, Minds Made Up, Vintage Guitar Magazine
Fender Vibrolux and Fender Deluxe Reverb - two amps Derek relies most on in the studio.
Fender Vibrolux and Fender Deluxe Reverb – two amps Derek relies most on in the studio.


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